Author: Martin Mísař

How to deploy AdventureWorks sample database to Azure SQL database (part 1)

Goal: Deploy sample database to Azure SQL server from MS sample files. Prerequisites: Azure SQL…

Return value when no records found

Occasionally, the query returns no value. For a simple reason - no record from the…

Difference between val and var (Azure Databricks)

(error: reassignment to val) If you've already had the same error message as me, there's…

Previous working day in Azure Data Factory

Task: Identification of the previous working day to todays date. A classic task. To load CSV…

Sending email from Azure Data Factory

From time to time, it’s a good idea to send someone an email. And sometimes…

Databricks function for generating XML file

In previous blog post i have mentioned databricks (scala) function for generating XML file. Here…

Create XML export from Azure SQL database

Task: Export data from Azure SQL database to XML file. We have an Azure SQL database…